We offer many different language courses, including lectures and seminars in English, Turkish, French or Italian. Each of these courses allows you to acquire the foreign language qualification according to Section 7 para. 1 No. 3 JAG NRW.
You can find detailed information on the individual courses in our current course catalogue or in the university's general course catalogue.
Incoming students may choose from a wide range of courses on the general legal principles in German law as well as a variety of courses held in English. If you are interested in other language courses than English, we are also offering courses in Turkish, French, Italian and Spanish.
In addition to our regular courses, there are also guest lectures, legal language courses and courses of our specialized institutes e.g. Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict.
You can find detailed information about the individual courses in our current course catalogue.
If you are a student from within the EU, Norway, or Turkey, you might be interested in the ‘ERASMUS’ mobility program. You can find more information about the application process here.
If you are an international student from outside the EU, you might be interested in becoming a Freemover at RUB. For more information about the Freemover program is available here.
For those students who already want to work like a lawyer while they are still studying, participating I a Moot Court is a must:
A Moot Court is a competition the concerns a fictional case that takes place before a fictional court. Every year a handful of students, who will work together as a team, is selected for each Moot Court. The participants will get a case and are going to have to write memorials, plead before a bench of judges and compete with teams throughout Germany and all over the world.
It is remarkable, one of a kind experience and will definitely be highlight of your studies here.
The Anglo-American Law and Language Certificate Program is a great opportunity for all students who wish to pursue a study abroad or are looking for additional qualifications.
We are offering various core and elective courses, where students can learn about the Anglo-American legal system and discuss various international topics.
How to register?
How the program works: